Are Facials Good For Acne?


  1. This is a great video. I have actually wanted to get a facial for a while, but I had been researching what I needed to know before doing one and trying to find someone that would do a good job because my skin is very sensitive. Thanks for sharing these tips on it and for sharing my blog post. :) Sorry, I never got back to you about that. I'm glad you liked it because I had a feeling you would!

    Have a great weekend, Cass and keep the videos coming.

  2. Thank You! I believe facials to be good, only with the right supplements. This is awesome because I just started using different ointment to get rid of acne and it is superb. I think many should use a certain brand to help heal the outburst of Acne. This, then leads to a better lifestyle. Enjoy.


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