DIamondsandheels14 on KTVU Right This Minute!!!


  1. Hey Cass! I just saw you on the homepage of Yahoo because of the GMA segment. I swear I got goosebumps as I was watching it :) I'm so happy for you! Good luck with everything.

  2. You should really try kombucha. Its a herbal drink and i swear it works wonders. I used to have severe acne and i tried everything short of accutane(side effects). People tend to think acne just affects the skin but sometimes its caused by other underlying health issues.Creams only treat the skin so you can see why it didnt work for me. After 4 years of severe acne and no relief in sight i tried kombucha and in 3 monthes it cleared up my acne.

  3. Saw your GMA segment. Your youtube video made me cry. I know it wasn't easy for you to do that tutorial without makeup because it showed in your eyes. But thank you. My daughter has really bad acne and rosacea. I can't wait to show her your youtube channel. You've given so many people hope! Best of luck to you and your future endeavors.

  4. Can I just say how much I love you. I've been watching youtube beauty gurus for awhile but I've never really get behind their Foundation videos. Don't get me wrong I love them, but their foundation routines just did nothing to hide my acne especially my scarring They would always point out there "acne" and it was always barely there stuff at least compared to mine. And then i saw you on Yahoo today and immediately watched your foundation routine. And i just want to hug you. First of all you acutely have skin that looks like mine. Someone who knows exactly how hard it is to cover their angry skin. I immediately tried your routine substituting some things and it worked so good. I look like i have flawless skin. i have a huge smile on my face. And the second thing is I admire you so much for having the courage to show your acne to the world.Bravo!Can't wait to see more from you.


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